We have had a very busy week in Nursery. On Tuesday when we arrived at school we were excited to see all the caterpillars had transformed into cocoons so we moved them very carefully into the net. We will have to wait for about 2 weeks before they emerge as butterflies and we cannot wait!

We were able to get outside this week to fly our kites which the children really enjoyed.

In RHE we thought about being safe and unsafe. We looked at places to play that were safe e.g. the park and places that are not safe e.g a busy road. We also thought about things that are safe and unsafe in our houses. We each had a picture and had to decide if it was a ‘safe’ or ‘unsafe’ object or place to play.

Other pictures this week

For safety, please can you ensure grapes are cut in half lengthways.
Suncream needs to be applied before school and all children need a sun hut – we will be spending a lot of time outside.
During the summer term please could children bring in a raincoat/jacket each day just in case we have a shower.
Thank you so much for donating and buying cakes for our EYFS Cake sale, we are going to use the money to buy resources for our playground. If you are having a spring clean at home we would welcome any donations for our mud kitchen – baking trays, cake tins, sauce pans etc.
Important Dates
Friday 17th May – No Reading Morning
Friday 17th May – Pentecost Party 09:15 – 10:15AM – Wear Red
Friday 24th May – Reading Morning
Friday 7th June – PTA Disco
Friday 14th June – No reading morning
Friday 14th June – Fathers Day Assembly 09:00 – Parents Invited
Wednesday 26th June – St Adrians Open Evening
Wednesday 26th June – New Parents Evening for EYFS – 18:00 – 19:00
Saturday 29th June – PTA Summer Fair
Tuesday 2nd July – EYFS Sports Day
Thursday 11th July – Transition Day
Have a lovely weekend.
Miss Taylor