Nursery – 10.05.2024

We have had a very busy week in Nursery. On Tuesday when we arrived at school we were excited to see all the caterpillars had transformed into cocoons so we moved them very carefully into the net. We will have to wait for about 2 weeks before they emerge as butterflies and we cannot wait!

We were able to get outside this week to fly our kites which the children really enjoyed.

In RHE we thought about being safe and unsafe. We looked at places to play that were safe e.g. the park and places that are not safe e.g a busy road. We also thought about things that are safe and unsafe in our houses. We each had a picture and had to decide if it was a ‘safe’ or ‘unsafe’ object or place to play.

Other pictures this week


For safety, please can you ensure grapes are cut in half lengthways.

Suncream needs to be applied before school and all children need a sun hut – we will be spending a lot of time outside.

During the summer term please could children bring in a raincoat/jacket each day just in case we have a shower.

Thank you so much for donating and buying cakes for our EYFS Cake sale, we are going to use the money to buy resources for our playground. If you are having a spring clean at home we would welcome any donations for our mud kitchen – baking trays, cake tins, sauce pans etc.

Important Dates

Friday 17th May – No Reading Morning

Friday 17th May – Pentecost Party 09:15 – 10:15AM – Wear Red

Friday 24th May – Reading Morning

Friday 7th June – PTA Disco

Friday 14th June – No reading morning

Friday 14th June – Fathers Day Assembly 09:00 – Parents Invited

Wednesday 26th June – St Adrians Open Evening

Wednesday 26th June – New Parents Evening for EYFS – 18:00 – 19:00

Saturday 29th June – PTA Summer Fair

Tuesday 2nd July – EYFS Sports Day

Thursday 11th July – Transition Day

Have a lovely weekend.

Miss Taylor

Reception – May the Month of Mary


Dear children and parents,

We entered May thinking about Mary, Mother of Jesus. The children prepared a lovely display with the 12 Apostles and helped write their names. They were singing the hymns beautifully and their behaviour during the assembly was exceptional!

In RE we also continued our learning about Pentecost and read the story of the Holy Spirit.

Forty days after his Resurrection Jesus returned to his Father in heaven. His friends were sad. They missed him.  They felt lonely and afraid without him.  On Pentecost day, they were all together in the house.  Crowds of people came to Jerusalem to celebrate the feast. The friends of Jesus did not go out to join them.  They stayed all together in the house.  They talked about Jesus and remembered what he had told them.   As the wind filled the room, they began to feel different.  Joy and happiness filled their hearts.  It was wonderful.  They knew that Jesus had kept his promise to send a new friend, the Holy Spirit.  “Let’s go out and join the crowds.”  Peter said.  “Let’s tell them the Good News that Jesus is alive.”

Based on Acts 2: 1-4.

We talked about the Holy Spirit as something we can’t see or touch, but feel. The children began learning a new song as well:

In Little Wandle we continued learning phase 4 sounds, but this week we focused on words with short vowels like train, track, bring and smash. We also learnt 4 new tricky words. Please practice these at home too for building fluency.

In Maths the children built on their understanding as they explored the change structure of addition by adding more and subtraction by taking away. The focus was on increasing and decreasing a quantity by a given amount, while continuing to work within 10. The children used real objects to see that the quantity of a group can be changed by adding more or taking away.

And finally… a caterpillar update! The caterpillars are growing big and fat and entering into the next stage of the life cycle – chrysalis. We observed the changes carefully and talked about what comes next.

Dates to remember:
Monday 6th May – Bank Holiday
Wednesday 8th May – School photos
Friday 10th May – Reading morning

Have a wonderful weekend!
Looking forward seeing you all on Tuesday!
Mrs Solakova

Year 2 give thanks to Mary, Queen of Peace

Along with the rest of the school, the children enjoyed taking part in a liturgy to celebrate Mary, the mother of God. They wrote prayers for Mary, Queen of Peace and created a beautiful display to be used as part of this worship. The children worked really hard on the presentation of their peace doves and it is lovely to see them taking such pride in their learning.

Year 3: Mary Queen of All Saints

Across the school, we celebrated the crowning of Mary. In Year 3 we created artwork to represent Mary, Queen of All Saints.

May is the month of Mary

Pope Paul VI reminds us in his Encyclical on the Month of May that this “is a time when Catholics in every part of the world offer up to Mary from their hearts an especially fervent and loving homage of prayer and veneration. In this month, too, the benefits of God’s mercy come down to us from her throne in greater abundance”

In school, this week, we have marked the beginning of May by joining together for a liturgy to celebrate the Crowning of Mary. Children across the school worked together to create posters to proclaim Mary as Mother of God and Queen. In year six, our poster recognised Mary as Queen of the Most Holy Rosary.

Nursery – 03.05.2024

The caterpillars have grown over the course of the week and this morning when the children came in, they were excited to see that one caterpillar is now in full cocoon stage so we just need to wait for the others to do the same. Hopefully by the time we come back after the Bank Holiday we will have 5 cocoons and we can move them into the net.

In maths this week we have been looking at capacity and using the words such as ‘full’. ’empty’, ‘nearly full’ and ‘nearly empty’.

At the beginning of the week enjoyed playing outside in the sunshine.

On Wednesday in RE we continued to think about how Jesus sent his new friend, the Holy Spirit who is our friend who helps and guides us. We cannot see the wind but we can feel it, in the same way we cannot see the Holy spirit. We made our own flags to and talked about how the wind will lift the kite and will help it to fly. We will try and get outside next week to fly them when we have a windy day.

Other photos this week

Important Dates

Monday 6th May – Bank Holiday, School closed.

Wednesday 8th May – Class Photos

Friday 17th May – no reading morning

Friday 17th May – Pentecost Party 9:15 – 10:15

Half term – Monday 27th May – Friday 31st May

Friday 14th June – No reading morning

Friday 14th June – Fathers Day Assembly 09:00 – Parents invited

Friday 21st June – No reading morning

Friday 21st June – Reception Class Assembly

Saturday 29th June – PTA Summer Fair

Tuesday 2nd July – EYFS Sports Day

Thursday 11th July – Transition Day

Have a lovely long weekend

Miss Taylor

26th April – Geography Week

This week we have learnt that we use too much plastic. We have learnt how most of this plastic ends up in our ocean. We have discussed what we can do to change the situation.

We have used objects around the classroom to make arrays in our learning about multiplying.

Year 2 care for their environment

We have been learning about the impact of plastic pollution on the environment as part of our learning in science and geography this year. We read a very interesting book called A Planet Full of Plastic by Neal Layton and you can find out more by watching his great video.

We are all stewards of the world around us and we have enjoyed litter picking in the school playground to ensure that it is safe for us and the animals that we share it with. We have learned a great song reminding us ‘Don’t drop litter, put it in the bin. Let’s keep our playground tidy, neat and clean so don’t drop litter, put it in the bin’. If you see one of us in passing, we will be very happy to sing it to you.

As part of our learning about plastic pollution, we have learned that the most important thing to do is to try and reduce the amount of plastic that we use, especially single use plastic and we are very pleased to use a refillable drinks bottle everyday and make sure that our daily snack comes in a plastic re-useable pot, rather a new plastic wrapper or bag every day. We can all do our own bit to help this precious planet. Remember …

Reception – Earth day!


Dear parents and children,
This week we discussed some very important matters, including how to reduce the use of plastic, how to look after our planet and what we can do to help. We’ve been reading a story called ‘The tale of the toothbrush’. The story of Sammy and Sophia really helped the children to understand the impact their choices have on our planet: 

We’ve been doing lots of activities around that book and the children built a bank of ideas on how and why we must reduce the use of plastic. They had different ideas and strategies: 

When you go shopping you need to bring your own bag.
Recycle your plastic making sure it goes into the correct bin.
Bring your own reusable bottle and don’t buy plastic bottles from the shop. 
Buy loose fruit and  vegetables instead of wrapped ones. 

We also discussed ways to reuse plastic just like Sofia did. She reused Sammy the toothbrush to clean her shoes and brush her doll’s hair. We even displayed our ideas and made labels for each one.

At the end of the week we all went around the school for litter picking. Unfortunately there was so much litter…. we collected 4 full buckets, but lots more was left behind. The children were able to understand the importance of recycling and how important is to keep our streets clean from plastic.

In Little Wandle this week we’ve been reading CVCC words like nest, best, gift etc. We also learnt 4 new tricky words. These have been added to your child’s orange book.

In Maths this week, the children became more familiar with numbers beyond 10 and the pattern (stable order) of numbers to 20 and beyond. They also focused on seeing the pattern of ten and 4 more, ten and 5 more, ten and 6 more, and so on. They played lots of games linked with counting and recognising numerals like bingo and adding counters to two ten frames. They were able to build 15, 16, 17 etc, by adding 10 counters to the first ten frame and 5, 6, 7 more to the second ten frame.

Great learning this week Reception!
You all deserve a special certificate!!!

Dates to remember:
Friday 3rd May – No Reading Morning
Friday 3rd May – Crowning of Mary Assembly at 09:05 – Parents are welcome to attend

Monday 6th May – Bank Holiday

Have a wonderful weekend!
Mrs Solakova

Looking up and down and all around…

As geographers, this is what year 4 have been doing this week. Geography is about the interaction of humans with their physical environment, local and global. Year 4 has considered the global perspective through exploring “Plastic vs Planet” and the local one by doing field-survey on litter – plastic and non-plastic – round the school. The children found out that the amount of plastic litter really affects the environmental quality of an area. We discussed how the quantity of plastic we use on a daily basis can be reduced. There was some shock at the quantity and type of litter left in the area, particularly as some of it came from a very popular local fast food outlet! This led to an interesting discussion about how necessary fast food is. Due to the children’s loathing of cigarette butt litter, the conversations took in the piece of news that this generation of children will not be able to purchase cigarettes legally. Such is the range of discussion in human geography when cross-curricular discussion is encouraged and we step outside the school gates. The children’s behaviour was excellent on our journey round the school and they loved seeing the school from different perspectives, piecing together their various memories of different walks over time.

The children chose images of the local area to represent what they saw. The photos are realistic rather than clasically pretty!

Back at school, the children worked well together to present the data using Google Charts. They wrote reports on what they had done, what they found out, their conclusions and recommendations.