As Mrs Porter mentioned in the bulletin, the birthday traditions at St Adrians include buying a book for the school library, from the year group’s wishlist on Amazon. Here is year 4’s:
Buying a book for the school library is a wonderful way to contribute to the joy of learning and pleasure of reading for current and future pupils. When a child goes to the library, s/he may see his/her book on the shelves and s/he can recommend it to friends. It will have a bookplate on the front cover so readers can see which kind person shared a favourite read with them.
This week, Year Two celebrated World Book Day by coming into school dressed as their favourite book characters. What an imaginative group of children they are and they look amazing in their outfits. Can you work out the book title that goes with each outfit?
To celebrate their birthdays, children are encouraged to donate a book to school and their reward for this is to come into school in a favourite outfit.
We are also promoting books linked to our science curriculum in Year Two and a link to some titles that you might like to choose from can be found below. There are some smashing books on the list and a name plate will be added to the book, so that there is a record of who donated it. Thank you once again, everyone and don’t forget to keep reading!
Hello children and parents, The focus for this week was definitely Mothers day! We’ve been busy practicing our song, we painted rainbow flowers and of course decorated fantastic Mother’s day cards! In our writing sessions we were thinking about why we love mummy and how we can help her at home with chores! Here is some of our writing… excellent work reception!
On Thursday we had a wonderful day celebrating love for books and reading. The children looked absolutely stunning in their outfits and they were very excited to talk about their favourite stories in class! We were thinking about all of the places we can read the book and came out with several ideas: You can read alone or you can read a friend!
You can read outside (how about on a Tuk Tuk bike) or you can read inside:
You can read with a teacher or with a friend:
There can be few things as powerful as regularly reading to a young child. It has astonishing benefits for children: comfort and reassurance, confidence and security, relaxation, happiness and fun. Giving a child time and full attention when reading them a story tells them they matter. It builds self-esteem, vocabulary, feeds imagination and even improves their sleeping patterns.
To celebrate their birthdays, children are encouraged to donate a book to our class library. The reward for doing this is to come to school in a favourite outfit. You can view our class wish-list on Amazon. Reception wish-list
And finally to all of you wonderful mums!!! I love my mum because she is the best! I love my mum because she always cares for me! I love my mum because she is beautiful and cooks delicious meals. I love my mum because she takes me to school every day! I love my mum because she cuddles me every and reads a bedtime story!
Have a wonderful Mother’s day and make sure you check your child’s Tapestry page for a special Sunday message 🙂
We celebrated World Book Day by dressing up as our favourite characters from beloved books. Throughout the day, we engaged in group reading activities and shared our favourite stories with one another.
On birthdays we encourage children to donate a book to our class library. As a token of our appreciation they get to wear a non- school uniform on their birthday. Our class wish list can be found on Amazon. Year Three wish-list
The class came dressed as their favourite “book” characters and we shared books with Year 5 and took part in other fun related book activities, like quizzes.
I have started to refresh the book corner to reflect the changing needs of the class and remind the children of the power of our imagination.
In RHE this week we thought how how we could be more like Jesus – caring and sharing with our friends. We learnt that Jesus washed people’s feet so we role played this.
In Maths this week we looked at ways we could make 5, Sammy the Snail and Number 5 helped us how to do this.
Thank you for coming to the Mother’s Day Assembly today, the children enjoyed making their cards. They chose the colours they know you love the most. Have a wonderful Mother’s Day on Sunday.
Other photos this week:
Important Dates
Reading morning – Friday 15th and 22nd March, 8:45 – 9:00AM in the Nursery classroom.
Friday 22nd March – EYFS cake sale after school. Donations of cakes can come in on the day via the office/classroom.
Every year, World Book Day promotes the power of reading. There are so many ways to enjoy reading and it is important that you find your way to read:
Take books home to read.
Listen to books being read aloud (or listen to audiobooks)
Choose the books you want to read.
Ask for ideas on what to read next.
Make time to read.
Find ways to make reading fun!
To celebrate their birthdays, children are encouraged to donate a book to our class library. The reward for doing this is to come to school in a favourite outfit. You can view our class wish-list on Amazon.
It was great to see Year Six getting into the spirit of the event, sharing their joy of reading through their costumes and pairing up with children in Year Two to read stories to the younger children. We are currently writing our own stories for our friends in this class and we are looking forward to meeting up again in a few weeks to share these special stories.
I really hope that you’ve enjoyed your half term break and spent quality time with family and friends. In Little Wandle this term we will focus on phase 4 phonics. That means that we will be learning how to read even longer words like swimming, fantastic and plurals like queens and boxes. We will not be learning any new digraphs or trigraphs, and we will only revisit phase 2 and phase 3 tricky words. In your orange books you will find some of the sentences we read at school. Please practice them for building fluency.
In Maths we learned how to use simple strategies to discuss time and then progress to ordering and sequencing simple events. Next week we will be using calendars to mark off the days leading up to special events and that will help us understand the passing of time. In learning through play the children measured the time by counting how many times they can write their name in 1 min, 3 min and 5 min.
In order to understand what sequencing means the children made honey sandwiches, following one step at a time.
We are also very busy preparing for our Mothers day assembly next Friday. Would be lovely to see you all there at 9am.
And finally, it was lovely to see you all and discuss your children’s progress. As ever your support is much appreciated and valued. We’ve come a long way and it is absolutely fantastic to see the massive progress the children have made.
Dates to remember: Thursday 7th – World book day Friday 8th – Mothers day assembly (therefore there will be no reading morning on Friday 8th)
Two chapters in and everyone in class 4 is desperate to know who the creatures are and what adventure is going to happen next in “Odd and The Frost Giants”. We have travelled to a different time and place to meet some very interesting characters… More will be revealed next week…
The book is by Neil Gaiman, an author I’ve been mentioning at consultations. He writes fantastic books – novels and picture books – for children which appeal to many ages and girls and boys. If your child enjoys this book, or even if s/he wouldn’t choose reading as the first thing to do, this author could be for them. Your child doesn’t have to read every word – you could read a page each, or you could chip in when it gets tricky. Any way into reading is really worth it, for so many reasons, not the least being as inspiration for writing. There are Neil Gaiman books in the school library for anyone to borrow. This website is American and shows some of the titles, for all ages he has written-
Have a great weekend and I look forward to seeing the parents I haven’t seen yet on Monday morning.
This week the children have loved exploring the story ‘Goldilocks at the Three Bears’. We have read different versions of the story which the children have been joining in with. This is the video we have watched in class if the children would like to watch it again.
The new role play opened today so the children have been making porridge and spending time in The Three Bears Cottage.
We have also loved playing with the porridge oats; tipping, pouring and scooping.
We acted out the story during yoga.
The children have enjoyed being back together this week after the break.
Thank you for returning your Lenten Promises. Hopefully the weather will be drier next week so we can go out and pick a branch to hang them on.
There will be no reading morning on Friday 8th as we will be going to the Mothers Day assembly. We have been practising the song we will be singing so it would be lovely if you could join us.
Important Dates
Thursday 7th March – World Book Day – Children can come dressed up as their favourite book character.
Friday 22nd March – EYFS Cake sale after school. Donations of cakes can come in on the day via office/classroom.