W/c 13th May in Year 4

We have learnt more about Anglo-Saxon life this week, focusing on the justice system. Some children recommended a very severe punishment for a misdemeanour in school, so I think they understand the general principle! Our RE topic is “Building bridges” and the children showed good insight into the “bridges” which act as bonds between children and how these need to be strong for relationships to flourish. The children have really enjoyed the beautiful book called “Cinnamon”. They have been putting themselves in the position of the lead character and are writing a diary entry by her.

I have been impressed by the children’s understanding of decimal fractions this week. Some more children have “gone green” on TTRS and all are making progress in learning the TT facts. Please keep this up.

I hope you all have a lovely, relaxing weekend.

Nursery 17.05.2024

This week we watched with excitement as the butterflies emerged from their cocoons. By Wednesday we had all 5 so it was time to say goodbye to them, we took them round to the prayer garden to release them.

In PE this week we played some team games.

Today we had our Pentecost Party which everyone really enjoyed, thank you for all the food donations. Yesterday afternoon the children made jam sandwiches for us to share.

Other photos this week

Please remember to apply sunccream before school and children need a hat for outside. Incase we have a shower please can all the children have a raincoat/jacket.

Reading Morning – 24th May

Half term – Monday 27th – Friday 31st May.

Have a lovely weekend

Miss Taylor

Reception – Boats ahoy!


Dear children and parents,
Here are some updates on our exciting week.
First and very important we truly enjoyed the wonderful weather. From decorating plant pots to water fights, the children had plenty of fun learning and exploring! As usual they were super helpful and our outside area is looking better than never.

As you can imagine we were also busy learning to read words like string, strap, scrunch. They proved to be very difficult to segment as you can often miss a sound … We also learnt 4 new tricky words:

In Maths this week we were learning to further explore the properties of shapes
and spatial relations. The children had plenty of opportunities to Provide opportunities to explore the attributes of shapes and to select shapes for a particular purpose. We created lovely mosaic with shapes and the children built on the learning from previous
steps by now manipulating shapes. Children explored moving, turning, rotating and flipping shapes to fit into the spaces provided.

We are very excited to show you what we’ve made…. We learnt lots about boats, how they travel, why they float and what makes them move. The children explored floating and sinking by placing different objects in a water tray. They predicted which objects would sink or float and then tested their predictions. Then they designed their own boats:

The trickiest part was to actually build the designed boat. The children worked in teams having to negotiate what materials would be best for a boat, what would make it unsinkable.

And of course at the end we went to test the boats! Are they going to sink or are they going to float? If they sink, why… what went wrong?

Well done reception for another great week!
Looking forward seeing you again next week 🙂

Dates to remember:
Friday 17th May – No Reading morning

Friday 17th May – Pentecost party at 9:15am

Have a lovely weekend!
Mrs Solakova

Sunshine for year 4

All our learning was school-based this week, with a visit to church halfway through. For a short week, the children have completed a lot of learning. In the last term of year 4, they are showing the maturity and stamina for learning and writing which are good to see.

The sunshine was welcomed by everyone, with playing on the field at playtime and learning cricket skills on the field for PE very much enjoyed.

I am convinced there will be many doctors, surgeons and dentists from this class in the future, going by the great interest the children have in acquiring knowledge about the body. They loved following the progress of food through the body and this week were fascinated in the functions and structure of teeth. There will also be some CTOs, I am sure, going from the way that the class is enjoying learning about computer networks and the internet. They are all doing very well understanding decimals. Please keep up practice and progress in times-table fact learning. A few more children have “gone green” now and we need to see more children doing this.

The week was finished with a trip to the library, always a highlight. The children are ready for their weekend with you and I hope you all have a great time together. I look forward to seeing them again on Monday.

Nursery – 10.05.2024

We have had a very busy week in Nursery. On Tuesday when we arrived at school we were excited to see all the caterpillars had transformed into cocoons so we moved them very carefully into the net. We will have to wait for about 2 weeks before they emerge as butterflies and we cannot wait!

We were able to get outside this week to fly our kites which the children really enjoyed.

In RHE we thought about being safe and unsafe. We looked at places to play that were safe e.g. the park and places that are not safe e.g a busy road. We also thought about things that are safe and unsafe in our houses. We each had a picture and had to decide if it was a ‘safe’ or ‘unsafe’ object or place to play.

Other pictures this week


For safety, please can you ensure grapes are cut in half lengthways.

Suncream needs to be applied before school and all children need a sun hut – we will be spending a lot of time outside.

During the summer term please could children bring in a raincoat/jacket each day just in case we have a shower.

Thank you so much for donating and buying cakes for our EYFS Cake sale, we are going to use the money to buy resources for our playground. If you are having a spring clean at home we would welcome any donations for our mud kitchen – baking trays, cake tins, sauce pans etc.

Important Dates

Friday 17th May – No Reading Morning

Friday 17th May – Pentecost Party 09:15 – 10:15AM – Wear Red

Friday 24th May – Reading Morning

Friday 7th June – PTA Disco

Friday 14th June – No reading morning

Friday 14th June – Fathers Day Assembly 09:00 – Parents Invited

Wednesday 26th June – St Adrians Open Evening

Wednesday 26th June – New Parents Evening for EYFS – 18:00 – 19:00

Saturday 29th June – PTA Summer Fair

Tuesday 2nd July – EYFS Sports Day

Thursday 11th July – Transition Day

Have a lovely weekend.

Miss Taylor

Reception – May the Month of Mary


Dear children and parents,

We entered May thinking about Mary, Mother of Jesus. The children prepared a lovely display with the 12 Apostles and helped write their names. They were singing the hymns beautifully and their behaviour during the assembly was exceptional!

In RE we also continued our learning about Pentecost and read the story of the Holy Spirit.

Forty days after his Resurrection Jesus returned to his Father in heaven. His friends were sad. They missed him.  They felt lonely and afraid without him.  On Pentecost day, they were all together in the house.  Crowds of people came to Jerusalem to celebrate the feast. The friends of Jesus did not go out to join them.  They stayed all together in the house.  They talked about Jesus and remembered what he had told them.   As the wind filled the room, they began to feel different.  Joy and happiness filled their hearts.  It was wonderful.  They knew that Jesus had kept his promise to send a new friend, the Holy Spirit.  “Let’s go out and join the crowds.”  Peter said.  “Let’s tell them the Good News that Jesus is alive.”

Based on Acts 2: 1-4.

We talked about the Holy Spirit as something we can’t see or touch, but feel. The children began learning a new song as well:

In Little Wandle we continued learning phase 4 sounds, but this week we focused on words with short vowels like train, track, bring and smash. We also learnt 4 new tricky words. Please practice these at home too for building fluency.

In Maths the children built on their understanding as they explored the change structure of addition by adding more and subtraction by taking away. The focus was on increasing and decreasing a quantity by a given amount, while continuing to work within 10. The children used real objects to see that the quantity of a group can be changed by adding more or taking away.

And finally… a caterpillar update! The caterpillars are growing big and fat and entering into the next stage of the life cycle – chrysalis. We observed the changes carefully and talked about what comes next.

Dates to remember:
Monday 6th May – Bank Holiday
Wednesday 8th May – School photos
Friday 10th May – Reading morning

Have a wonderful weekend!
Looking forward seeing you all on Tuesday!
Mrs Solakova

Year 2 give thanks to Mary, Queen of Peace

Along with the rest of the school, the children enjoyed taking part in a liturgy to celebrate Mary, the mother of God. They wrote prayers for Mary, Queen of Peace and created a beautiful display to be used as part of this worship. The children worked really hard on the presentation of their peace doves and it is lovely to see them taking such pride in their learning.

Year 3: Mary Queen of All Saints

Across the school, we celebrated the crowning of Mary. In Year 3 we created artwork to represent Mary, Queen of All Saints.

May is the month of Mary

Pope Paul VI reminds us in his Encyclical on the Month of May that this “is a time when Catholics in every part of the world offer up to Mary from their hearts an especially fervent and loving homage of prayer and veneration. In this month, too, the benefits of God’s mercy come down to us from her throne in greater abundance”

In school, this week, we have marked the beginning of May by joining together for a liturgy to celebrate the Crowning of Mary. Children across the school worked together to create posters to proclaim Mary as Mother of God and Queen. In year six, our poster recognised Mary as Queen of the Most Holy Rosary.

Nursery – 03.05.2024

The caterpillars have grown over the course of the week and this morning when the children came in, they were excited to see that one caterpillar is now in full cocoon stage so we just need to wait for the others to do the same. Hopefully by the time we come back after the Bank Holiday we will have 5 cocoons and we can move them into the net.

In maths this week we have been looking at capacity and using the words such as ‘full’. ’empty’, ‘nearly full’ and ‘nearly empty’.

At the beginning of the week enjoyed playing outside in the sunshine.

On Wednesday in RE we continued to think about how Jesus sent his new friend, the Holy Spirit who is our friend who helps and guides us. We cannot see the wind but we can feel it, in the same way we cannot see the Holy spirit. We made our own flags to and talked about how the wind will lift the kite and will help it to fly. We will try and get outside next week to fly them when we have a windy day.

Other photos this week

Important Dates

Monday 6th May – Bank Holiday, School closed.

Wednesday 8th May – Class Photos

Friday 17th May – no reading morning

Friday 17th May – Pentecost Party 9:15 – 10:15

Half term – Monday 27th May – Friday 31st May

Friday 14th June – No reading morning

Friday 14th June – Fathers Day Assembly 09:00 – Parents invited

Friday 21st June – No reading morning

Friday 21st June – Reception Class Assembly

Saturday 29th June – PTA Summer Fair

Tuesday 2nd July – EYFS Sports Day

Thursday 11th July – Transition Day

Have a lovely long weekend

Miss Taylor