Hello parents and children,
Without a doubt today’s blog should be dedicated to our amazing trip to the Cathedral. I am absolutely impressed with all children, their sensible behaviour and attentive listening. They reminded us once again that the children of St. Adrian’s are exceptional 🙂

In the first part of the day we walked around the Cathedral to discover the beautiful stained glass windows. The lady was very kind and she explained how they’ve been made and what they represent. Then the children created their own stained glass windows. We are very much looking forward to showing you our fantastic art on the open evening 🙂

The weather stayed dry so we had our lunch in the park and even managed to watch the nesting peregrines through a telescope. Here is the link for the live camera if you want to have a look too:

In the second part of the day the children learnt about the different roles in church. They dressed up as priests, flower arrangers, built an arch and recorded wedding messages.

What Is A Father?
A father is someone who’s always around
when you’re stuck for some friendly advice.
A father is someone who knows how you feel
and who’ll help you without thinking twice…
A father is someone so thoughtful and kind
he’s made his own place in your heart…
A father is someone you wish all life’s best
with the love that’s been his from the start.

Happy fathers day!!!
Dates to remember:
Friday 21th June – No reading morning
Friday 21th June – Reception class assembly
Wishing you a wonderful weekend and fantastic Father’s day Sunday!
Mrs Solakova