Year 5 Week 5

This week we have been completing our own legends stories in English and the children have been pushing themselves to be more adventurous with their vocabulary and sentence constructions.

In Art, we have continued our still life compositions by making oil pastel drawings of fruit – some of the children’s work looked good enough to eat (unlike some of the actual bananas which I’d left ‘ripening’ at home a little too indulgently).

In science, we looked how shadows vary through the day and we started using Ordnance Survey map symbols in Geography.


Have a great weekend,


Mr Creaton


Shirts needed .

If you have any old shirts that need a new home, could you please send them into school with your child. We will be using them for art lessons therefore larger/adult shirts are best.

Thank you in advance 🙂

Year 5 week 4

This week in Year 5 we have been fine tuning our work on legends in our work on traditional stories and legends for literacy , focusing on using more complex sentences. In  science we have been learning about phases of the Moon and how they arise   and for geography we have been using atlases to locate main cities and settlements in The British Isles. In Art, we practised arranging shapes and colours as a prelude to our still life compositions .



Today (Friday) was our Fitness day.  Everyone had a  great  time and I’m sure the children will sleep well tonight after all their exertions.

School Council Elections

Finally Congratulations to Nelleke and Joseph on their election to the post of Year 5 School Council representatives.  I’m sure they will do an excellent job.


Have a great week,


Mr Creaton

Year 5 Home Learning

Please find attached this week’s home learning tasks.

The children have their grammar activity already pasted into their books but I have attached a copy here for reference.

Agreement Between Nouns, Pronouns and Nouns

This week’s reading comprehension is all about what the Aztecs ate at mealtimes.  Please note,  children will need to write complete sentence answers to sections A and B in their books.

I have decided to make section C optional this week.

Reading Comprehension Y5 – Task 3


For mathematics, Mr Bedford and I have set our respective groups their homework on my maths.  My group were given reminders of their login details earlier this week.


Have a nice weekend,