Y6 Prefects
Today, the Y6 prefects received their certificates for their First Aid Training.
Well done!
Year 1 get creative
This week, as part of their learning in Design and Technology, the children have been making Christmas decorations.
To start the week, they worked in pairs to weave ribbons and create huge baubles, which can be seen hanging in the classroom.
Next, the children carefully measured pieces of paper to make strips that could be joined together and made into paper chains. Building on from last week’s learning, they made sure that their paper chains included both a colour and number pattern.
The week ended with the children reading and carefully following instructions to make lanterns to decorate the class Christmas tree.
These creative activities have developed the children’s English and Maths skills as well as improved the accuracy of their cutting. The decorations look wonderful as does the whole classroom as we share our Christmas preparations together this Advent.
We look forward to seeing you in school next week when the children perform their Christmas play, A present for the baby. Bring your child into school at 6.30pm on Thursday 14th December ready for their evening performance, which will start at 7pm. Please ensure that any requested clothes for costumes are brought into school by Monday at the very latest.
Have a wonderful weekend.
Protected: Y2 Home Learning
Year 1 explore patterns
This week, the children have been developing their understanding of patterns, focussing on creating and continuing patterns that are not just colour based, but also include changes in quantity, size or shape. The children have been encouraged to name the repeating pattern once, rather than read what they have created over and over again. This is trickier than it sounds and the children have worked hard on their repeating patterns. This learning will help the children as they begin to explore patterns in numbers later in the year.
The children created patterns on their Christmas decorations and these can be seen on the class display in the main hall.
Y6 Prefect First Aid Training
On Friday 1st December, the year 6 Prefects had the opportunity to learn basic first aid with St John Ambulance. They learnt how to dress a wound, how to put someone into the recovery position and how to use a sling.
Protected: Year 5 Home learning week 12
Protected: Year 5 home learning week 11
Year 5 week 11
This week has been dominated by our assembly with much work to be done to complete all the props and in fine-tuning the delivery. Having seen the actual performance, I think it was time well invested: the children did themselves proud and had a good time to boot.
Year 5 Netball
The netball team won this week and, no doubt , the inclusion of some of our class in the team helped secure the victory.
Have a great weekend,
Mr Creaton