Nursery – 23.06.2023

This week we enjoyed a Jazz session in the hall with Jonny. We listened and danced to a variety of music and played games.

We spent a lot of time outside this week:

Visit to the library:

Important Dates:

Wednesday 28th June – Open Evening 16:00 – 17:30.

Wednesday 28th June – New Nursery/Reception Parents Evening 18:00 – 19:00.

Tuesday 4th July – EYFS Sports Day 10AM

Friday 7th July – Non Uniform Day – £1 donation

Thursday 13th July – Transition Morning

Have a good weekend.

Miss Taylor

Nursery – 16.06.2023

This week we continued to explore the book ‘Oliver’s Vegetables’ We had some real vegetables in class and we have been looking at them as they start to change.

On Thursday afternoon we got creative and made our own vegetable patch….

This week the children worked really hard on designing their Fathers Day Cards and I know they are excited to take them home.

Important Dates:

Reading Morning every Friday 08:45 – 09:00am.

Wednesday 28th June – Open Evening 16:00 – 17:30

Wednesday 28th June – New Nursery/Reception Parents Evening

Tuesday 4th July – EYFS Sports day – AM

Friday 7th July – Non Uniform Day – £1 donation

Thursday 13th July – Transition Morning – Nursery children to spend morning in new classroom

Please remember a named hat every day. Sun cream needs to be applied before school.

Have a lovely Fathers Day

See you next week.

Miss Taylor

Nursery – 09.05.23

Welcome back everyone!

Today we went to the hall to experience something very exciting….we took part in a Drama4All Workshop. Peter Pan came to see us and took us on a very special journey – to get the treasure back from Captain Hook. The children enjoyed joining in with all the movements and actions.

Other photos this week,

Important Dates:

Friday 16th June – Fathers Day Assembly

Reading Morning every Friday 08:45 – 09:00 am.

Wednesday 28th June – Open Evening 16:00-17:30

Tuesday 4th July – EYFS Sports Day – AM

Friday 7th July – Non Uniform Day – £1 donation

Children need to have a named hat in school as the weather gets nicer, we will be spending a lot of time outside. All children need sun cream applied before they come to school. Suncream can come into school but children need to be able to apply it themselves.

Have a lovely weekend

Miss Taylor

Nursery – 26.05.2023

We have had such a busy week in Nursery – bouncing on a castle, whizzing down a giant slide, a lovely Pentecost Party and at long last the butterflies came out of their cocoons.

On Tuesday the first two butterflies emerged from their cocoons, the children were so excited and there was a lot of chatter about what had happened and on Wednesday we had two more appear. On Thursday morning we went round to the Prayer Garden to release the four that we had, we said a special prayer to keep them safe and then watched as they came out from the net. We left one cocoon in the net and this morning we came to school to find it had emerged! We went back round to the Prayer Garden to let him out.

Thank you for coming to our Pentecost party on Wednesday afternoon. The children made some jam sandwiches in the morning and in the afternoon we waited for our grown ups to arrive. Thank you again for all the food contributions.

Other photos from this week:

The children have spent a lot of time outside this and will continue to do so after half term. Please make sure they have got sun cream on before they come to school, children also need to have a hat.

Please scroll down for Sponsored Bounce photos.

Have a lovely half term and enjoy the sunshine, see you on Monday 5th June.

Miss Taylor


The Big Bounce! On Tuesday morning the Nursery children enjoyed bouncing on the castle, going through the maze and sliding down the very big slide! Thank you PTA for organising this wonderful event!

Nursery – 19.05.2023

This week we have been reading the story ‘Jack and the Beanstalk’. The children have been enjoying playing with the characters and acting out the story in our tuff tray.

Our new role play is now open, we now have a Garden Centre. The children are enjoying using their basket to buy different items, scanning the items on the till and having a cup of tea and a cake in the garden centre cafe.

In PE we are continuing with our movement development unit, this week we played a game called ‘Rob the nest’. The children had to collect the correct colour beanbag from one nest and take it back to their own.

The caterpillars are still in their cocoons and the children are keeping a watchful eye on them.

Other photos this week:

We hope you can join us for our Pentecost party on Wednesday 24th May at 2:15pm, it looks like the weather will be nice. Children can wear red to school that day; red being the liturgical colour of Pentecost.

Friday mornings are reading morning – Please join us from 8:45 – 9:00 to read a story with your child.

Next Friday is Nursery and Reception Cake Sale after school – we would welcome any donations of cakes.

As the weather start to improve children will need sun cream applied before they come to school. Children might like to wear a hat too as we will be spending more time outside during the Summer term.

Have a great weekend and hopefully next week we will have some butterflies.

Miss Taylor

Nursery – 12.05.2023

On Tuesday we did some planting…

On Tuesday when we came back to school after a lovely Bank Holiday weekend, we were very interested to see what the caterpillars were up to, and wow! Three of them were hanging from the top of the pot! Today we transferred them to the net and now we are waiting very patiently to see what happens next!!

Other photos from this week:

Have a lovely weekend

Miss Taylor

Nursery – 05.05.2023

This week we talked a lot about King Charles and the children enjoyed making flags, having a tea party and attending an assembly about all the wonderful things that will happen over the weekend.

On Tuesday we went into the hall and played some parachute games….

The caterpillars have grown a lot since last week and the children have been really interested in looking at them changing. We are now waiting for the next step in the cycle.

Today we had a picnic in class and listened to some classical music.

Other pictures from this week

Come and join us Friday mornings for reading, 8:45 – 09:00am.

Have a lovely long weekend.

See you on Tuesday.

Miss Taylor

Nursery – 28.04.23

We have had a very busy week in Nursery. We have continued to explore ‘The Very Hungry Caterpillar’ in a variety of ways.

The children have been observing the caterpillars and since last week they have grown quite a bit….

This week as part of our Hungry Caterpillar work, the children helped Miss Taylor create something called a ‘Story Map’. The children were very good at explaining what happened in the story making sure everything was in the correct order. Can you draw a story map of the hungry caterpillar story? It would be lovely to have some up in the class. Please see below the one we created in school:

This week Nursery and Reception created some artwork for the Crowing of Mary Assembly we will go to on Tuesday:

Other photos from this week:

We hope you can join us for our Coronation Picnic on Friday 5th May.

Please join us for reading mornings every Friday 8:45-9:00am.

In the bookbags today is a letter inviting you to our Pentecost Party which will be happening at the end of this half term.

Have a lovely long weekend.

Miss Taylor

Nursery – 21.04.2023

Welcome back everyone, it was lovely to see the children back on Tuesday. The children took part in circle time where they told their friends what they did in the Easter Holidays. It was great to hear all the lovely things they got up to including easter egg hunts, visiting relatives and going to the cinema to see Super Mario!

This week we have looked at the story ‘The Very Hungry Caterpillar’. Lots of the children already know the story so it was great they could join in with the words. We watched a video about a lady called Mabel, she visited a butterfly sanctuary and told us lots of wonderful things about both caterpillars and butterflies.

Today our special visitors arrived…..

We are going to be watching the caterpillars over the next week or so to see how they change, I wonder how long it will be before they turn into butterflies?

Our new role play areas are open, the children can play in the new school or they could visit the pizza parlour to either make or taste yummy pizza.

This term we will continue to do PE on Monday mornings and visit the Library every Friday.

Please could all spare clothes bags be returned to school.

Have a lovely weekend.

Miss Taylor