Nursery – 07.02.2025

In RHE this week we talked about Jesus and the things that he did to help others. We learnt about how he washed the feet of his disciples. We role played this.

Photos this week

Important Dates

Friday 14th February – Reading morning 08.45 – 09.00.

Monday 17th February – Friday 21st – Half term

Have a lovely weekend

Miss Taylor

Nursery – 31.01.2025

This week in maths we looked at the number 4, we learnt about Pete and his groovy coat which can only have 4 buttons on. We found number 4 on our number fans and had a go at putting 4 cubes on a fives frame. We also looked at squares and rectangles and made these shapes using lolly sticks.

We did some yoga this week…

Important Dates

Friday 7th February – Reading Morning 8:45 – 9:00

Friday 7th February – Crazy Hair Day – Come to school with crazy hair to raise money for the PTA – £2 per child. Please wear full school uniform.

Monday 17th – Friday 21st February – Half Term

Have a lovely weekend

Miss Taylor

Nursery – 24.01.25

This week in RE we learnt about a man named Simeon who had waited a very long time to meet the Lord’s Christ, the Messiah. He was able to meet Jesus when Mary and Joseph brought him to the temple. Simeon took Jesus in his arms and knew that he was the son of God. We role played this in class.

On Tuesday we went out to have a go on the trim trial….

We would be very grateful for any donations of boxes of tissues as we are getting through them very quickly.


Grapes need to be cut in half lengthways.

Please put cutlery in lunch boxes if they have something that requires it.

Important Dates

Monday 27th January – INSET Day

Friday 31st January – Reading Morning 8:45 – 9:00am.

Friday 31st January – Therapy for Dogs Day – Wear clothes with an animal on – £1 Donation

Monday 17th February – Friday 21st February – Half Term

Enjoy the long weekend

Miss Taylor

Nursery – 17.01.2025

This week we went up to the library for the first time and the children were really excited to visit a different part of the school. We will visit the library every Tuesday so children can take out books, if the previous book has not been returned they will not be able to take out a new one. Please comment or sign their reading record once read.

In maths this week we looked at subitising number 3, that means looking at a group of objects and seeing 3 without counting them. We played some different games to support this.

Other photos this week:

Important Dates

Friday 24th January – Reading Morning 08:45 – 09:00 in Nursery Classroom.

Monday 27th January – INSET Day – School Closed

Monday 17th – Friday 21st February – Half Term

Have a lovely weekend

Miss Taylor

Nursery – 10.01.2025

Welcome back and a very Happy New Year!

I hope you all had a lovely Christmas break and a well deserved rest, it takes a while to get back into the swing of things!

The children very much enjoyed seeing each other this week, talking about what they did over the Christmas break to us and their friends – we would love to see photos of what you got up to over Christmas – Please upload to Tapestry so we can share in class.


All children need a hat, gloves and a scarf for outside play.

Please put cutlery in lunch boxes if they have a yoghut/rice/spaghetti or something else that requires fork or a spoon.

Please can all bookbags have a small keyring attached to the handle so the children can identify their own bookbag when getting ready to go home.

Application for reception places are now open, you need to apply online and fill out a supplementary form. The deadline is Wednesday 15th January.

Important Dates

Friday 17th January – Reading Morning 08:45 – 09:00 in nursery classroom.

Monday 27th January – INSET day – School Closed

Monday 17th – Friday 21st February – Half Term

Have a lovely weekend.

Miss Taylor

Nursery – 20.12.2024

This week the children enjoyed having their grandparents and family members in to help them with some arts and crafts and to listen to the Christmas songs that they performed at their Nativity. Thank you so much for coming.

Miss Rowson and I would like to thank you all for the lovely cards, gifts and Christmas wishes we have received, we hope you have a lovely Christmas and a well earned break. The children have worked very hard this term and we are very proud of how far they have come since September.

Please could all bookbags have a keyring on them so children can identify them when getting ready for home time.

In January we will start going up to the library. The children will be taking their book bags so can you make sure that they are emptied each week so they are easier for the children to carry up. The children will not bring home a book on the first day back as I know they will want to spend time chatting and playing with their friends so we will start going the following week.

Recption Applications

The deadline for applying for a Reception place at St.Adrians is 15th January. You need to apply online and fill in a supplementary form and hand into the office.

Important Dates

Monday 6th January – School Closed – INSET Day

Tuesday 7th January – First day back – 08:45am

Friday 10th January – Reading Morning, 08:45 – 09:00 in Nursery classroom.

Monday 27th January – School Closed – INSET Day

Monday 17th- Friday 21st February – Half Term

Friday 4th April – Last Day of Spring Term – 1:30pm Finish

Wishing all Nursery families a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

See you in 2025!

Miss Taylor

Nursery – 13.12.2024

What a week it has been! At the start of the week we spent a lot of the time in the hall rehearsing for our Christmas Nativity and they were all superstars on Wednesday morning when they finally got to show you what they have been working on – the children were fantastic!

This week we talked about the Nativity story a lot. I read the story and used the characters to act it out – as I read, the children sang the songs from our Nativity.

Today we dressed up in our best Christmas clothes

And then we had a surprise visitor….

Thank you for the yummy chocolate treats Santa!

Please remember to bring your Kris Kringle presents in on Monday if you haven’t done so already.

The children have worked so hard this week and Miss Rowson and I are so proud of them, here’s to the last week 🙂

Looking forward to Grandparents Tea and Carols on Monday – Please arrive at the office at 09:30. If a grandparent is unable to make it a parent or other family member is able to come!

Have a lovely weekend

Miss Taylor

Nursery – 06.12.2024

This week we have spent a lot of time rehearsing for our Christmas Nativity ‘Mary’s Knitting’, Nursery have now been on the stage and have sat very well while waiting for the songs to come on! We hope you can join us on Wednesday 11th at 10:00am to watch, the children are all very excited that they will see you there.

In maths this week we have been working on repeating patterns, we have been doing this every day.

In RE we talked about the beginning of Advent and what that means. We lit the first advent candle.

Photos from this week:

Important Dates

Wednesday 11th – EYFS Christmas Performance of ‘Mary’s Knitting’ – 10:00AM.

Friday 13th – Christmas Clothes Day – Children can come to school wearing Christmas jumpers, outfits, socks, hairbands etc

Monday 16th – Kris Kringle Presents due in

Monday 16th – Grandparents Tea and Carols – 09:30am. A parent or other family member may come if Grandparents are unable to make it.

Friday 19th – School finishes at 13:30.

Tuesday 7th January 2025 – First day of Spring term.

Monday 27th January – INSET Day – School closed.

Have a lovely weekend
Miss Taylor

Nursery – 29.11.2024

This week in RE we thought about what a birthday is. Our birthday is the day we were born and will be the same day each year. We celebrated Kipper’s birthday in class. We had a party for him, wrote out invitations and made birthday cards.

This week we had a visit from Richard, the postman for this area. He told us all about being a postman and the jobs he has to do. He showed us some of the letters and parcels he had in his bag as well as a special machine he uses for scanning barcodes.

Other photos this week:

Have a good weekend

Miss Taylor

Nursery – 22.11.2024

In maths this week we looked at subitising the number 2, this means being able to instantly see 2 objects without having to count. We did several around this activities including using a number fan to show the number 2, putting 2 objects on a 5s frame and helped teddy get across the path to see his friend but he was only allowed to step on stepping stones with 2 objects on.

We went into the hall on Wednesday to take part in a Hinduism workshop. We listened to the stories, joined in with the dancing, and explored the artefacts that we were on display.

Other photos this week:

Important Dates

Dressing the tree assembly – Friday 29th November 09:00 Parents Welcome

Wednesday 11th December – EYFS Nativity 10:00

Last day of term – Friday 20th December – 13:30.

EYFS Nativity – All the children have been practising singing the songs and learning the actions to our Christmas Nativity and now know which parts they will be playing. Please send costumes in by Wednesday 4th December.

Have a lovely weekend

Miss Taylor