Nursery – 02.12.2022

Hello Everyone!

The children have been getting excited for Christmas this week and they like looking at the decorations we have in class. We read a story this week about a little boy who writes a letter to Father Christmas asking for different presents. We talked about the presents we would like to receive and on Monday we drew a picture of what we would like. Yesterday we went to the Post Box to send our letters to Father Christmas, the children went in small groups and posted their letter into the box – how exciting. We also went into the Post Office and saw a huge pile of boxes ready to be delivered to people’s homes.

This week we said goodbye to the Post Office, we had a great time working on the computer, talking on the telephone and writing our letters! We now have Santa’s Workshop! The children enjoyed going in there in small groups to see what they could do in there – wrapping presents for Santa.

Photos from this week.

The children are still practising their songs for our Christmas Nativity and I am sure they are singing them at home. Our performance is at 10:30am on Tuesday 13th December. Please remember that costumes need to be in school by Monday 5th December.

Have a good weekend

Miss Taylor

Nursery 25.11.22

Another busy week has flown by in Nursery!

The children now know what part they will be playing in our Christmas Nativity – Angel Express. We have been practising the words and actions to the songs and I am sure the children will be singing them at home!

Our production will take place on Tuesday 13th December at 10:30, we hope you can join us! Please invite grandparents to watch too!

This week in nursery the children really enjoyed building houses in our outside area, lots of children were using the tools to fix parts together and I could see lots of teamwork going on – well done everyone! Just what I like to see!

This morning we went to an assembly in the hall – there were lots of people in the hall! We sat and watched as the Christmas tree was decorated and lots of the children said ‘wow’ when the lights came on.

In class we made some decorations to go on the tree in the hall, we also started making some decorations for the Nursery. Thank you parents for all the kind donations!

This morning we went to the library to change our books, we enjoyed looking through all the books and enjoyed sitting on the comfy chairs.

Pictures from this week.

Important Dates:

Monday 5th December – all Nativity costumes to be in school

Tuesday 13th December – Angel Express production by EYFS – 10:30AM.

Reading Morning – Friday 2nd, 9th and 16th in classrooms – 08:45 – 09:00AM.

Have a lovely weekend and see you on Monday

Miss Taylor

Nursery – 18.11.2022

This week started off with our PE session in the hall, this half term the children are working on their ball skills, we have started on with rolling! The children did very well rolling their ball around the cones.


This week we looked at the book ‘Storm’ by Sam Usher. It is story about a little boy and his grandad flying a kite in the park before the storm arrives! The children made their own kites and had the opportunity to fly them out in the playground.

Islam Week

This week we learnt about the Islamic faith, we looked at some beautiful pictures of Mosques and learnt that this is a special place where Muslims go to pray. We had a visitor from Year 2 who showed us how to use a prayer mat and all the children made a prayer mat using different material.

Children In Need

The children looked fantasia in their spots and stripes today for Children In Need, thank you for all the donations. We watched a short video explaining why Children in Need is an important day and we talked about Pudsey Bear! The children enjoyed making Pudsey masks in class.

Please join us each Friday 8:45-09:00am to read a story with your child in the classroom, siblings welcome.

I hope you have a lovely weekend.

Miss Taylor

Nursery – 11.11.2022

This week we looked at some amazing firework displays online and the children were excited to tell me about the ones they had been to see over the weekend! In the classroom this week the children had the opportunity to make their own fireworks using chalk and black paper.

On Wednesday the children had their photographs taken so we practised smiling. The Nursery children really enjoyed sitting with their siblings while they waited for their turn.

We had hot chocolate this week! Yum! We had a go at pouring the hot chocolate ourselves!

Today we talked about why today, November 11th is an important day. The children learnt we wear a poppy to remember those who had died in war. The children watched a video about Poppy’s and had the chance to make one of their own.

Today we went up the stairs to visit the new library. The children were very excited to have a look at all the new more books and I know they enjoyed sitting in the new seating area. Enjoy reading the books at home.

We are continuing to look at Baptism next week, please remember to bring in any photos in as it would be nice for the children to share them with us.

Have a lovely weekend!

Miss Taylor

Nursery – 04.11.2022

What a busy week we have had in nursery! This week we looked at the story ‘Pumpkin Soup’ by Helen Cooper which tells the tale of three friends who live together and make pumpkin soup. The cat, the duck and the squirrel each have different job to do in order to make the soup delicious but one day the duck decides he would like to do something different.

We had pumpkins in Nursery this week, the children observed as the pumpkins were opened and then had a feel of what was inside! The children had the opportunity to explore the pumpkin independently during learning through play. The children also had an area where they could make their own pumpkin soup – yummy!

We went into the hall to do some yoga, it was a bit tricky but we managed to copy all of the yoga moves.

Winter Warmer Wednesday!

On Wednesday we had our first Winter Warmer Wednesday! For snack we had hot chocolate and a biscuit – it was lovely to sit round the table and have a chat!

The children have been getting use to playing in other areas of the Nursery including the outside idea!

Please remember to bring in any Baptism photos you may have at home – it would be lovely if the children could share them with us.

Have a lovely weekend

Miss Taylor

Nursery – 21.10.2022


This week the nursery children went to an assembly for the first time – the Harvest Festival assembly! The children have been rehearsing their song ‘Crunching Through the Leaves’ for the past couple of weeks and they did a fabulous job standing and singing on the stage in front of a very large audience. Well done Nursery.

On Tuesday we went out onto the field to collect leaves to make crowns and on Wednesday we had fun using lots of glue to make the leaves stick!

Winter Warmer Wednesday

Now that it’s starting to turn a bit colder we think we deserve something nice to warm us up! So each Wednesday between now and February half term the children will be able to enjoy a cup of hot chocolate and a biscuit on a Wednesday as part of their snack. Delicious!

After half term PE will be on Monday mornings and Wednesday afternoons!

We will also be thinking about Baptism in RE – if you have any baptism family photos please bring them in to share.

The children have worked really hard this half term and I hope you have a lovely break. Please don’t forget to post what you get up to on Tapestry and fill out those magic moments!

Miss Taylor

Nursery – Autumn 1

Welcome to our class page. We hope you enjoy seeing all the fantastic learning we have been doing in Nursery!

Settling in and exploring

The children have spent the beginning of this term settling in and exploring their new surroundings. They are getting more familiar with the routines happening throughout the day and are beginning to make friendships within the class.

Autumn Walk

As part of our topic ‘Autumn’ we went on an autumn walk around the school field. We wanted to find signs of autumn and used a checklist to help us, we had to hold our clipboard very carefully and tick off what we found outside.

A Special Celebration

Our lovely school had a birthday and to celebrate we planted some flowers around the birthday tree. Happy 60th Birthday St Adrians.

Welcome to St Adrian’s Post Office

The children were excited to come to school this morning because today was the opening of our new role play area – The Post Office! We talked about what you can do when you visit a post office and watched a small video of customers weighing and sending parcels and letters. The children enjoyed playing in our new role play today.

We have been singing every day our song for the Harvest Festival Assembly which will take place on Thursday 20th at 9:15am, thank you so much for the donations that have already come into school.

Have a lovely weekend.

Miss Taylor