We have been continuing with our Winter topic this week and we looked at the book ‘One Snowy Night’ by Nick Butterworth. We learnt who Percy is and what he does in the park he looks after. The children enjoyed this book and liked the bit at the end where the animals hide in different areas of Percy’s hut to keep warm!
In RE this half term we are thinking about celebrations. On Wednesday we decided to have a back to school party and talked about the things that would happen if you went to a party.
We would love to see pictures of any celebrations the children have been too – parties, weddings, festival etc! We would love the children to share them with their friends and put them up on our RE display
Key Dates
Monday 30th January – INSET Day
Monday 13th – Friday 17th February – Half term
Thursday 23rd February – Nursery Parent Consultations
Please remember children need spare school uniform at school – please include socks!
We have had a lot of leaking water bottles, to protect our lovely books and children’s artwork please could water bottles not be kept in book bags.
Pictures from this week:

Have a lovely weekend
Miss Taylor