Nursery – 17.03.2023

Our story this week was The 3 Little Pigs. The children have enjoyed learning about the pigs and what they used to make their houses. In the nursery there were a variety of 3 Little Pigs activities for the children to have a go at such as dressing the pigs, making one of the houses using the large construction blocks outside, 3 little pigs role play and 3 Little PIgs Bingo which the children enjoyed.

The children also enjoyed watching this very funny version of the story online:

This week as part of our RE lesson we were able to go out on our spring walk to find signs of new life growing outside, the children had their own clipboard and had to tick off what they found.

We have decided to do our own growing in class, we will watch and observe closely over the next few days to see the mung beans grow.

The children have been working really hard this week practising the songs for Mothers Day. They did really well in the assembly this morning and sang so beautifully – they also liked seeing their siblings singing.

Other photos from this week:

Have a lovely weekend and wishing all the mums a very happy mothers day on Sunday.

Miss Taylor

Nursery – 10.03.2023

This week we looked at the story The Gingerbread Man. We have read and watched different versions of the story. On Tuesday we made our very own Gingerbread man to enjoy at home. We helped prepare all the ingredients and then put them in to a bowl and gave it a good stir! We all had a piece of dough to roll out and a cutter to make our gingerbread man. Some of us put raisins on our gingerbread man – yummy!


Thank you for bringing in your Lentern Promises. The children have been enjoying looking at the tree and talking to their friends about the promise they have made.

On Thursday afternoon we joined Mrs Porter and the KS2 children to walk around the path on the field. Mrs Porter is completing The Big Lent Walk during Lent and we wanted to join her to show our support!

Other photos from this week:

Please join us on Friday mornings between 8:45-9:00am for reading mornings.

Next Friday (17th) we will be going to the Mothers Day Assembly in the hall – parents are invited to attend.

Have a lovely weekend.

Miss Taylor

Nursery – 03.03.2023

In PE this term we are completing the Movement Development unit. We explored moving around in space in the hall pretending to be different sized animals e.g. we pretended to be an elephant and made big steps or a snake by moving on our tummies. We then played a game of bumper cars, we had a hoop bumper car and tried really hard not to bump into another bumper car.

This week we looked at the story Goldilocks and the Three Bears. The children took part in a range of activities throughout the week including making and playing with porridge oats, acting out the story in the tuff tray, making a baby bear mask and even tasting some of mummy bears famou porridge – delicious.

Today in school we celebrated World Book Day. The children looked fantastic dressed up as their favourite book characters. We had a trip to the library where they listened to a story about a frog who didn’t want to be a prince. The children chose new books to read at home.

Other photos from this week:

Please join us every Friday from 8:45-09:00am for Reading Morning.

Mothers Day Assembly – 17th March – 09:05am

Have a lovely weekend.

Miss Taylor

Nursery – 24.02.2023

This week we looked at the story ‘Mr Wolf’s Pancakes’. One day Mr Wolf decided he wanted to make some pancakes but was unsure how, he asked his neighbours to help him read the recipe book, write a shopping list but they all said no so Mr Wolf had a go at making them all by himself and the neighbours all thought they smelt yummy. Ask your child what happened at the end of the story.

This week we thought about pancakes and why we have them and discussed some of the things we are giving up for Lent. On Tuesday we had pancakes for snack and also had the chance to make a pancake at our pancake station.

This half term we will be reading a variety of fairy tales including Goldilocks and the 3 Bears. Our role play has changed into the 3 Bears cottage, the children have enjoyed playing in there, taking on a role and making porridge.

For snack today we made a sandwich! The children had a go at cutting their bread in half – well done.

Other photos from this week:

Thank you parents and carers for coming to parent consultations this week.

Don’t forget Fridays are reading mornings (expect Friday 17th March as we will be going to the Mothers Day assembly in the hall – parents welcome).

Please bring in your Lentern Promise by Friday 3rd March so we can talk about them and put them up on our tree.

Friday 3rd March is World Book Day, children can dress up as their favourite book character if they would like too.

Have a lovely weekend.

Miss Taylor

Nursery – 10.02.2023

This week we looked at the story ‘Guess How Much I Love You’ as part of Mental Health week and Valentines next week. We talked about the people we love and why they are special. The children also had the chance to make a valentines day card for someone they love.

On Wednesday we joined together with Reception to take part in Just Dance and then some relaxing Yoga.

Today we ‘Dressed To Impress’

Other photos this week:

Have a lovely half term!

See you on Monday 20th.

Miss Taylor

Nursery – 03.02.2023

This week we looked at the story ‘Polar Bear Paddle’ about a young polar bear named Alfie who liked to swim in the baby pool but really wanted to swim in the larger one and with the help of his friends he was able to do this! We also looked at some videos of some polar bears and really enjoyed watching the cubs rolling down the snowy hill!

Today we dressed up for NSPCC Number day! The children looked really great in their clothes, we had children with sums on, colours, spots, stripes and even an domino!

We have a variety of maths activities in the classroom including a colour sorting activity with tweezers, putting pebbles onto pictures, making shapes with lolly sticks, pizza shape colouring in and some of us even had a go at writing some numbers! Thank you for all of your donations!

Important Dates

Monday 6th – Friday 10th February – Mental Health Week

Friday 10th February – Dress to express dress up day

Monday 13th – Friday 17th February – Half term

Thursday 23rd February – Nursery Parent Consultations

Friday 17th March -Mothers Day Assembly in the hall, parents invited – No reading morning.

Have a lovely weekend

Miss Taylor

Nursery – 27.01.2023

This week we learnt about Chinese New Year! We watched a video about the animals racing across the river and saw the order in which they finished! We also met a little girl called Abi who told us how her and her family celebrate Chinese New Year! We tried noodles, delicious. The children also got to act out the race in our tuff spot tray.

On Wednesday afternoon we spent some time creating our own junk models to take home, the children were really engaged and thought about what they wanted to add to their models.

Other photos from this week:

Remember that Monday 30th January is an occasional day and the school is closed.

Have a lovely long weekend and see you on Tuesday!

Miss Taylor

Nursery – 20.01.2023

This week we looked at the story ‘Jack Frost’ and funnily enough he came to St Adrians! The children made their own Jack Frost pictures and I think they are fantastic!

We have decided to update our self portraits that are in the cloakroom – this time we are using paper plates and variety of collage materials, do you like them?

Photos from this week:

This half term for snack, once a week we will be having toast. The children did a really good job of spreading their butter onto their toast today.

Thank you to all the parents who joined us for reading morning this morning.

Please remember, water bottle should not be kept in book bags, we want to ensure children’s art work and library books stay safe and dry.

Have a good weekend.

Miss Taylor

Nursery – 13.01.2023

We have been continuing with our Winter topic this week and we looked at the book ‘One Snowy Night’ by Nick Butterworth. We learnt who Percy is and what he does in the park he looks after. The children enjoyed this book and liked the bit at the end where the animals hide in different areas of Percy’s hut to keep warm!

In RE this half term we are thinking about celebrations. On Wednesday we decided to have a back to school party and talked about the things that would happen if you went to a party.

We would love to see pictures of any celebrations the children have been too – parties, weddings, festival etc! We would love the children to share them with their friends and put them up on our RE display

Key Dates

Monday 30th January – INSET Day

Monday 13th – Friday 17th February – Half term

Thursday 23rd February – Nursery Parent Consultations

Please remember children need spare school uniform at school – please include socks!

We have had a lot of leaking water bottles, to protect our lovely books and children’s artwork please could water bottles not be kept in book bags.

Pictures from this week:

Have a lovely weekend

Miss Taylor

Nursery – Welcome back! 06.01.2023

Happy New Year and welcome back Nursery children! The children were excited to return to their classroom to see their friends yesterday and we had a surprise – Santa has kindly given us some new toys which the children enjoyed exploring.

Key Dates/Information

Monday and Wednesday are our PE days – Children do not need PE Kit as they will do PE in their school uniform. Please keep practising taking off and putting on both socks and shoes.

We will still have our Library slot on a Friday morning so please ensure library books come into school each Friday.

Reading morning every Friday 8:45-9.00 – maybe a grandparent would like to come one week?

Monday 30th January – INSET day

Monday 13th – Friday 17th February – Half term.

Thursday 23rd February – Nursery Parent Consultations

Friday 31st March – Last day of term


This half term our topic is ‘Winter’. We will be reading stories linked to Winter and be thinking about the clothes we need to wear and why. We will look at the North Pole and the South Pole and talk about the animals that live there. Our new role play for this half term is ‘The North Pole’ where the children can spend time in the igloo, read stories, play with small world polar animals and enjoy the campfire.

Some pictures from the first two days back.

Have a lovely weekend

Miss Taylor