Nursery – 20.10.2023

We have had a very busy week, here are some of the things we got up too..

On Monday we started the week with some maths. The children also had the opportunity to play this matching game during learning through play.

On Monday afternoon we learnt about the next day in creation where God made trees, plants and flowers, the children designed their own trees, plants and flowers to add to the collage we are making.

On Wednesday the children went to their first assembly and didn’t they do well? I am so proud of their singing and they sat really well in such a crowded hall where they could see their siblings and growns ups.

Other photos from this week:

All the children have got an Autumn bag to fill up over half term, please go out exploring what is happening outside and bring the bag back by the 1st of November so we can talk about what the children found.

I want to say thank you to all the parents/carers for all their support over the past 7 weeks, the children have done so well and have come so far in the short amount of time they have been here.

I am really looking forward to the next half term. We will be preparing for and learning the words to the songs in our Christmas Nativity, we will write our letters to Santa and take them to the postbox and we will also have a very special Grandparents Christmas carols and tea.

Have a wonderful half term and have a good rest.

Miss Taylor

Nursery – 13.10.2023

Hello Parents/Carers

We are currently exploring the book ‘Elmer’ which the children are really enjoying. We read it every day so the children can become very familiar with the story, the characters and of course new vocabulary. This week the children created some wonderful Elmer pictures to put up on the wall using some very funny things called ‘dotty pens’.

The children have also watched the video below if you would like to take a look at home:

This week we went into the hall for our first PE lesson. The children listened really well and followed instructions and rules of the games we were playing. I know they all enjoyed playing the bean game – maybe you could do it at home.

This week we talked about what God made on day 2 and 3 of creation. The children each had a turn at painting the sea, the land and the sky. Over the next few weeks we will add to it.

In maths this week we have been looking at ‘matching’. What is matching? We played some games to support our understanding this.

Other photos from this week:

On Wednesday the Nursery children will go to their first assembly in the hall – they have been working really hard on learning the words to our Harvest song ‘Thank you for the Harvest’ – I am sure they have been singing it at home. The Harvest assembly is on Wednesday 18th at 2pm, parents welcome.


All children need welly boots that can stay here. The children will be able to go outside during rainy weather as they enjoy splashing in puddles but need their wellies to do this.

Library day is wednesday – please make sure books come in each Wednesday so that the children can pick a new book for the week. Please remember to write a comment to say you have read it.

Have a good weekend.

Miss Taylor

Nursery 06.10.2023

This week we had a very special visit from ‘Little City’. Nursery children had an hour to explore the 10 mini role play areas including a laundrette, a supermarket, a hairdressers, a garage and a post office.

More photos can be found on Tapestry.

This week we opened the new easel, the children are able to use the easel independently to create wonderful artwork.

Photos from this week:


Library books need to be returned each Wednesday so children can select a new book.

All children need welly boots as the weather starts to change so they can play on the muddy hill and in puddles.

Please encourage independence at home by getting children to have a go at putting on and taking off coats and shoes.

We would love any donations of boxes so the children can create some lovely models.

Have a lovely weekend.

Miss Taylor

Nursery – 29.09.2023

We have had a busy week in nursery and we have tried lots of things for the first time….

On Monday afternoon we did our first RHE lesson where we talked about God and how he created our wonderful world. We learnt that on Day 1 of Creation God said ‘Let there be light’ and there was. The children each had a piece of card to represent the dark and then stuck on yellow pieces to represent the light.

We had a go at ‘Dough Disco’ this week, the children have each got their own pot of playdough and they copy the movements on the screen, a great way to get those fingers moving ready for writing. The children are having a go at opening the pot themselves and getting the dough out.

We also did some Yoga for the first time…

In maths this week we have been exploring different colours, we helped monster on the screen to identify the correct colours and then we had a go at sorting some colours in class….

On Friday we went on a colour hunt around the school, we found colour in lots of places both inside and outside and ticked them off on our sheet…

Other photos from this week…

Next week we have Little City visiting us for a morning of fun in the hall.

Thank you again for all the lovely family photos and baby photos, the baby photos are up in the baby clinic role play and I can hear the children talking to their friends about the pictures.

Have a good weekend

Miss Taylor

Nursery – 22.09.2023

Hello Parents/Carers, welcome to the first Nursery blog this year.

What a great start to the term – thank you parents and carers for all your patience and support in helping get the children in. The settling in period is really important and the children are already getting use to the routines and all of the rules that come with being in Nursery. A good routine can really help the children settle in and feel relaxed and happy while here, the nursery routine stays the same the whole year and there is always a visual timetable in the classroom so the children can see what’s happening throughout the day.

The children have started to explore the nursery and use the resources which are available:

Next week the children are going to be bringing home a library book. To begin with the children are going to be borrowing a book from the selection of books we have in the nursery. Our library day will be a Wednesday each week. Please can books be returned each Wednesday so they can choose a new one.

Children need a coat as the weather starts to get colder, please encourage independence by getting the children to have a go at putting it on/taking it off themselves and doing up zips and buttons.

Children need a pair of welly boots we can keep at school – this is for playing with our new water activity as well as jumping/splashing in puddles and playing on the hill that will start to get very muddy.

We need your junk modelling. We would love donations of boxes e.g. cereal boxes/pringles tubes/kitchen towel tubes so the children can use their imagination to create wonderful models.

There will be parent consultations for Nursery in Autumn term – you will be able to book a 10 minute slot on Arbor from 7pm tonight.

Hope you have a lovely weekend.

See you on Monday.

Miss Taylor

Nursery – 20.07.2023

Teddy bears picnic.

The children had a lovely last day at Nursery, they each received a certificate and a lovely hat:

The children have worked so hard this year and I hope that they enjoyed their year in Nursery.

Have a wonderful summer break.

Miss Taylor

Nursery – 14.07.2023

Yesterday for transition morning the Nursery children spent time in reception with their new teacher. They read stories, played games and even made some lovely sparkly crowns.

Nursery have been working really hard on their fine motor skills – in particular pencil control. This week we had a go at drawing on white boards, we had to copy what was happening on the screen step by step. Very tricky! Take a look at how we got on, can you guess what we drew?

Nursery Teddy Bears Picnic will be next Wednesday – 19th July. All children will need to bring in their favourite teddy bear/soft toy. Morning children can bring in a lunch/snack to eat and will be collected from the office at 12pm.

Have a good weekend.

Miss Taylor

Nursery – 07.07.2023

This week we have looked at the story ‘The Rainbow Fish’. The story is about the feeling you get when you share something with someone.

Thank you parents for coming to our Sports Day on Tuesday – the rain wasn’t going to put us off. The children did really well and I know they were thrilled to get a medal and have an ice lolly!

On Tuesday, the new deputy head came down to spend some time with the Nursery children and at the end of the day she read us a story.

Photos from this week:

Next Friday will be our last reading morning, it would be lovely for you to join us – 8:45 – 9:00am.

The children visited the library today for the last time this term, the books will be collected back in next Friday and they will start going again in September.

Transition Morning – Thursday 13th July – Nursery children will come into Nursery as usual at 8:45am.

Next Friday is a PTA Non Uniform day – £1 donation.

Summer BBQ – Saturday 15th 12:30 – 3:30pm.

Have a lovely weekend.

Miss Taylor

Nursery – 30.06.2023

Our new Topic in RE is ‘Our World’. We talked about who made the world, the things that were made and nursery were very good at remembering what Reception had told us in their class assembly. We watched a video of God making the world:

The children have also been looking at the ‘Our World’ Area in the classroom:

We have now come to the end of looking at Olivers Vegetables and Oliver’s Fruit Salad – the children keep singing the fruit salad song that Mrs Gallaher taught them. The children created some art work – their own plate of food and talked about what they had chosen with a grown up.

This week the children were delighted to see some new toys in the nursery – these new toys were purchased using the money raised from the Cake sale that happened just before half term.

Other photos from this week:

We have been out on the field this week practising for Sports Day. The children will be doing a variety of sports activities and are excited for you to come and watch us in action.

Sports Day is at 10AM on Tuesday 4th July.

Have a lovely weekend.

See you on Monday.

Miss Taylor

Nursery – 23.06.2023

This week we enjoyed a Jazz session in the hall with Jonny. We listened and danced to a variety of music and played games.

We spent a lot of time outside this week:

Visit to the library:

Important Dates:

Wednesday 28th June – Open Evening 16:00 – 17:30.

Wednesday 28th June – New Nursery/Reception Parents Evening 18:00 – 19:00.

Tuesday 4th July – EYFS Sports Day 10AM

Friday 7th July – Non Uniform Day – £1 donation

Thursday 13th July – Transition Morning

Have a good weekend.

Miss Taylor