Coronation Celebration

We have enjoyed celebrating the King’s coronation. Here are some photos of what we got up to.

Science Week!

For science week, we investigated how we can increase our heart rate. The topic links to our science topic animals including humans. We explored different ways we could stay fit and increase our heart rate. Each group was given a different exercise to do for one minute after the exercise we measured our pulse. Here are some photos of our investigation.

Year 3 Class Assembly!

This week we had our class assembly on Lent. We retold the story of Jesus in the wilderness, and we also spoke about what Lent meant to us. Here are some photos of our fantastic assembly.

Year 3

We took part in an exciting workshop led by the Electric Umbrella. The Electric Umbrella is run by learning disabled people. We were amazed by the brilliant musicians. The key message we learnt from this was there is ‘no such thing as normal’.

Number day
We celebrated number day by dressing up and representing numbers. We completed a range of number activities throughout the day. Here are some photos of what we got up to.

Year 3 coders

This week in year 3 we have enjoyed coding in computing. We experimented with different backgrounds, actions and instructions for the sprite. Here are some photos of what we created.

Year 3

Another busy week in year 3! From investigating the permeability in science to division in maths, to writing reports in English we’ve covered it all it seems in year 3.

We started off with dividing 2-digit numbers by 1-digit numbers  without renaming using the part whole model. Then we used diens and the part whole model to help us divide a 2-digit number by 1-digit number with renaming. 

In English we are looking at the text The Pied Piper of Hamelin by Michael Morpurgo. We are enjoying this story. In our writing we have focused on using conjunctions and paragraphing. We researched rat facts for our non- chronological report. 

In science we had a visitor talk to us about food waste. We shocked by the statistics! We created posters and discussed ways we can reduce our food waste.

Exciting week in year 3!

Another busy week in year 3!  We enjoyed visiting the new library. We were amazed by the selection of books and the cosy areas to sit and enjoy the wonderful books. In our class, we have two fantastic librarians who are very knowledgeable about the library.

In RE we celebrated other faiths, and this year we learnt about Islam. Our topic was Mosques we focused on; the functions of a mosque, the geometric designs inside a mosque and the rules for entering a mosque. There were six keen children who presented this information in assembly.

Year 3 Scientists

Year 3 have been conducting science experiments, testing the strengths of different magnets. The children tested the strength by seeing how many paperclips the magnet could hold. Here are some photos of what they got up to.

The First Drawing – English

This week in English, we have started our new book The First Drawing by Mordicai Gerstein. This book links to our history unit Prehistoric Britain. The children wrote wonderful diary entries. Today we worked on exclamatory and interrogative questions. Here are some examples of children’s work.

Stone Age Warriors

Year 3 went back in time to the Stone Age. We discovered what life was like during this time by taking part in some exciting activities such as; building dens, hunting for Stone Age food, flint knapping and many more activities.