Harvest Celebration!

It was lovely to see the whole class working together to perform in our Harvest celebration, with our Caritas Ambassadors leading our prayer and reflection. Thanks to all for your hard work and to the parents for the donations to the food bank at Feed.

Thanks also to everyone who supported our cake sale. You raised a staggering £370, some of which we have already spent: on pencil cases for everyone to avoid the complaint of lost stationary, and on a fan in anticipation of warmer days in year six: it is great to enjoy a sunny aspect over the playground, but the summer months often takes the temperature in our room to the mid-thirties. We hope that our fan will make these days more bearable. We still have quite a bit of money left and so are busy planning how to spend it.

I hope that you all have an enjoyable and safe half-term holiday. I look forward to seeing you all when we come back in November.