Nursery – 14 and 21.03.2025

As part of science week and our RE topic we have been growing cress. We have been waiting very patiently and observing their growth.

In maths we looked at tall and short and long and short. We made tall and short towers and long and short snakes. The children also had a look at some different length ribbons and decided which ones were long and which ones were short.



Next week will be our last visit to the library for this term. I will collect the library books back in on Tuesday 1st April.

Please could all hair be tied up.

Children will need a school summer hat at school in the warm weather. These can be purchased on arbor.

Important Dates

Friday 28th March – No reading morning

Friday 28th March – Mother’s Day Assembly 09:00am

Thursday 3rd April – Easter Assembly 09:00am

Friday 4th April – No reading morning

Friday 4th April – Hot Cross Bun Party 09:30 – 10:30 –

Friday 4th April – Spring term finishes 11:45/13:30.

Summer term begins – Wednesday 23rd April.

Have a good weekend

Miss Taylor