This week we talked about Ash Wednesday and the things that happen on this day and the start of Lent. Mrs Porter came back from the church with the ashes and if the children wanted to, they could receive the ashes in the shape of the cross.

The children have enjoyed their work on Goldilocks this week. We began our story map and thought about the actions we wanted to use. The children have also had lots of fun in the Three Bears Cottage and playing in the small world area.

On Thursday we dressed up as our favourite book characters!

It was lovely to spend lots of time outside this week:

Please remember to bring library books back every Tuesday so your child can pick a new one to take home to share.
Lenten Promises
Please return Lenten promises this week so we can talk about them and put them on our display.
Important Dates
Friday 14th March – Reading Morning
Friday 4th April – Last day of term 11:45am/13:30pm.
Have a good weekend, let’s hope the nice weather continues
Miss Taylor