This week in RE we learnt about a man named Simeon who had waited a very long time to meet the Lord’s Christ, the Messiah. He was able to meet Jesus when Mary and Joseph brought him to the temple. Simeon took Jesus in his arms and knew that he was the son of God. We role played this in class.

On Tuesday we went out to have a go on the trim trial….

We would be very grateful for any donations of boxes of tissues as we are getting through them very quickly.
Grapes need to be cut in half lengthways.
Please put cutlery in lunch boxes if they have something that requires it.
Important Dates
Monday 27th January – INSET Day
Friday 31st January – Reading Morning 8:45 – 9:00am.
Friday 31st January – Therapy for Dogs Day – Wear clothes with an animal on – £1 Donation
Monday 17th February – Friday 21st February – Half Term
Enjoy the long weekend
Miss Taylor