Welcome back and a very Happy New Year!
I hope you all had a lovely Christmas break and a well deserved rest, it takes a while to get back into the swing of things!
The children very much enjoyed seeing each other this week, talking about what they did over the Christmas break to us and their friends – we would love to see photos of what you got up to over Christmas – Please upload to Tapestry so we can share in class.

All children need a hat, gloves and a scarf for outside play.
Please put cutlery in lunch boxes if they have a yoghut/rice/spaghetti or something else that requires fork or a spoon.
Please can all bookbags have a small keyring attached to the handle so the children can identify their own bookbag when getting ready to go home.
Application for reception places are now open, you need to apply online and fill out a supplementary form. The deadline is Wednesday 15th January.
Important Dates
Friday 17th January – Reading Morning 08:45 – 09:00 in nursery classroom.
Monday 27th January – INSET day – School Closed
Monday 17th – Friday 21st February – Half Term
Have a lovely weekend.
Miss Taylor