We continued looking at colours in maths this week and the children took part in some activities such as sorting colours and a colour hunt around the classroom.

On Thursday afternoon we took part in our first yoga lesson. The children did very well copying the moves on the screen and following the story of Betsy the Banana!

Other photos this week

From next week the children will start bringing home a library book. Our Library day will be Tuesday. Each Tuesday the children will select a book to take home and share with their families. Please return the book each Tuesday so a new one can be taken out.
Important Dates
Thursday 10th October – Parent Consultations
Friday 18th October – For a £1 donation, children can come to school wearing red to support show racism the red card.
Friday 25th October – Harvest Assembly – Parents welcome to attend
Monday 28th October – Friday 1st November – Half Term
Have a lovely weekend
Miss Taylor