Nursery – 19.07.2024

On Wednesday we had a lovely time at our picnic and I think the teddy bears had a great time too! It was really nice to be outside eating our lunch in the sunshine.

And just like that this is the last blog…..

I cannot believe the year has finished and the children will be starting in Reception in September, it feels like only yesterday I opened the door for the first time way back in Autumn term. The children have learnt so much in their nursery year and it has been lovely to see how they’ve grown and changed – this morning we had a look at some photos I took from when they first started.

They really have been superstars this year and worked so hard!

Thank you so much for the generous gifts Miss Rowson and I have received.

I hope you all have a lovely and relaxing summer holiday. The children are ready for a big rest ready for Reception which will start for them on Wednesday 4th September.

Miss Taylor