The Beginning of the End for Year Six

The start of the final half-term is always a funny time for year six – the SATs are finally behind us and we have enjoyed the school journey that we had been looking forward too for so long, and whilst the children are naturally beginning to look forward to the adventure of secondary school, there is still so much to do and enjoy here.

The end of key stage assessments for writing are based, not on tests, but on the writing the children do day-in and day-out, so high expectations and good effort are still as important now as they have every been. We have finished the content of the maths curriculum and so we are keeping our maths understanding ‘fresh’ through a number of projects: this week, we have been making plans for our bakery and look forward in the coming weeks to putting on our masterchef hats and cooking up a treat, using our data handling and measuring skills to make this happen.

We also have to begin looking towards the end of term and planning to go out with style and so, to that end, I have completed the worst job I have to do each year and cast our leavers’ production. We have our scripts and parts to learn: this is always an ensemble piece, where the children can enjoy putting on something special and memorable which can only be achieved by working together. I do not doubt that they will have a blast and that they will do themselves (and us) proud.

I plan to share the limited photos from the Isle of Wight at the open evening towards the end of this month as part of our celebration of our learning. For now, here is a taster from the Spinnaker Tower in Portsmouth.