Nursery – 19.04.2024

Welcome back! I hope you all had a lovely Easter break.

Some of the children shared with us on Tapestry the lovely things they did in the Easter holidays and it would be lovely if all the children could share some photos with us. If you haven’t done so already, please pop some holiday snaps onto Tapestry so the children can talk to us about what the did in the holidays.

This week and next we will be looking at the story ‘The Very Hungry Caterpillar’. Lots of the children already know this story but it is a lovely way to start summer term and we have waited what seems like a very four long days but finally the caterpillars arrived in class yesterday. We will watch and observe them over this half term and hopefully before we break up for May half term we will have 5 butterflies.

This week we played in the hungry caterpillar tray and acted out the story during yoga.

Our new home corner opened this week – Pizza Parlour. The children can now make and serve yummy pizzas in the kitchen.

Our new role play also opened today which the children enjoyed spending time in.

The children have enjoyed being back together this week.


The children will continue to go to the Library on Wednesday each week, the previous book needs to be returned before a new one can be taken out. The children will be now carrying their own book bag to the library this term therefore it would be helpful if the book bags only had their orange reading diary in them.

Important Dates

Bank Holiday, School closed – Monday 6th May

Half term – Monday 27th May – Friday 31st May

Have a lovely weekend

Miss Taylor