It was great to see all of the children back in school for the start of the new term.
On Tuesday, we celebrated the feast of St Adrian of Canterbury, the patron of our school. The children used their research skills to learn more about this inspirational character. Here is Beth’s account:
St.Adrian’s life
St.Adrian was born around 630-37.He was born in Africa and travelled to Italy as a young refugee.
St.Adrian’s work life
He became a trusted counsellor of the pope ,he also turned down the archbishop of canterbury,instead he offered the job to his friend Thedore who became the arch bishop.St.Adrian lived and worked at canterbury.He became a teacher at a school he found in Canterbury where he taught greek and latin for 40 years.
St.Adrians death
St.Adrian died in c.710 and was buried in a tomb and his tomb became famous for miracles, mainly people who are struggling with work and tests would go and visit.His body was found hundreds of years ago when work was being done on the monasteries.
St.Adrian inspires
The life of St.Adrian was an inspiration to many migrants who often arrive in britain every year.St.Adrian made changes to the religious structure and literature that still remain today.
Why is St.Adrian the patron saint of our school?
St.Adrian inspires us to learn because he was a keen learner and educator.He taught us to love because he wanted to help people and he cared for them in every way and so we help others and love others like he did.St.Adrian taught us to love and learn but he teaches us to live and be a follower of jesus we do things without trying to sin. St.Adrian became a Saint because he loved others, was a follower of God and learnt new things and shared them with the people.

Wishing you all a happy and prosperous new year!