On Wednesday morning Mrs Ruffell visited our classroom to talk to us about her religion, Judaism. Mrs Ruffell told us about how she celebrates Shabbat. Mrs Ruffell kindly bought in some different artefacts for us to look at including a cup, candles and Hebrew Bible. Mrs Ruffell told us what a Kippah is and the children were able to wear one if they wanted to.

In RSE this week we looked in mirrors and talked about what we could see, we also thought about how we are the same and different from our friends. We used the mirrors to draw self portraits.

The children have been enjoying puzzles this week and the shopping game has been rather popular

We met with Jamie this week to go on a cosmic yoga adventure, this week we met Pedro the Penguin which linked nicely to our phonics this week – initial sound ‘p’.

In maths this week we have been looking at subitising the number 2, subitising means knowing there is an amount of something without having to count. We played games including find 2 pom poms and help teddy cross the path by only landing on 2.

Other photos from this week

Important Dates:
Friday 1st December – Dressing of the tree advent assembly – 09:05 AM parents welcome
Saturday 2nd December – Christmas Fayre – 12:30 – 15:30
Wednesday 13th December – EYFS Christmas Performance 10:00AM
Friday 15th December – Christmas Jumper Day
Monday 18th December – Grandparents Christmas Carols and Tea – 09:30AM
Term finishes at 13:30 on Thursday 21st December.
Have a lovely weeked
Miss Taylor