We started our week by wearing odd socks as part of Anti Bullying week, here we all are in our odd socks.

This week we looked at the initial sound ‘t’. We looked at objects beginning with this sound such as tiger, tomato, tractor, timer, train and toast and a tyrannosaurus rex. Can you find anything in your house beginning with ‘t’?

In maths this week we have been looking at the number 1 and tried to make number 1 happy by giving him just one thing, number 1 is not happy if he has more than 1. The children have got a ‘happy number one’ and a ‘sad number ‘ in their bag to play with and explore at home.

In RE we are continuing to talk about Baptism. This week we had a go at Baptising a baby in class, the children were very good at it and had a go at saying ‘I Baptise you in the name of the Father, of the Son and the Holy Spirit’.

The children also shared their Baptism items with us

Other photos from this week:

Important Dates:
Friday 24th November – Non Uniform day in exchange for a bottle of alcohol per family for the Christmas Fayre
Friday 1st November – Dressing the tree assembly Advent Assembly 09:05AM – parents welcome
Saturday 2nd December – Christmas Fayre 12 – 3PM
Wednesday 13th December – EYFS Christmas Performance
Friday 15th December – Christmas Jumper Day
Monday 18th December – Grandparents Christmas Carols and Tea – 09:30AM
Term finishes at 1:30PM on Thursday 21st December
Have a lovely weekend
Miss Taylor