Thank you for all the Kris Kringle gifts that came into Nursery on the last week of term – they looked lovely under the tree. The children were really excited to receive their present from a friend in their class.

It really has been a great term, the children have settled in really well and I am so proud of how far they have come. They have gotten to grips with the routines within Nursery brilliantly and I am really looking forward to Spring term.
In the past week and a bit of term the children coped brilliant with the unexpected visitors we had, they performed their Christmas Nativity, had a visit from Santa and enjoyed a fantastic Grandparents Tea morning in which they sang so beautifully – they definitely deserve a well earned rest.
I want to wish all the Nursery children and their families a very Merry Christmas.
I will see you all in 2023!
Miss Taylor