Today, children in Year 4 have come to school dressed in yellow and blue in support, not only of children and families in Ukraine, but of all people in the world who are seeking refuge.
We wrote prayers, asking God to help for those who face such danger in their lives that they must flee to seek safety elsewhere. We also gave thanks for those who keep us safe and protect us from harm.
Lily’s prayer:
Dear God,
Thank you for reminding us about the good and bad in this world. Make sure we know about the unseen as well as the people we can see.
Help us to not be selfish and let us recognise what is happening in the world. We have all been selfish before, but please forgive us and change us into good people of the world who care and share.
We all know what’s happening in Ukraine, but help us to remember the others in the world who have no choice to flee their home country.
Forgive us for forgetting but then let us see the right path. You can help us to change our ways through your Holy Spirit.
Jessica’s prayer:
Dear God,
Help the people who are in need in Ukraine to find a lovely and nice place to stay. Sorry, God, for when I have not given safety or love to people who need it. I wish everyone could have the same safety as I do so nobody gets hurt or harassed.