We have a dedicated group of students from Year 5 and 6 who are supporting the well-being of their peers and friends by positive problem solving and finding solutions.
This an important life skill which will support everyday life from now until adulthood.
As part of Children’s Mental Health Week, we invited Electric Umbrella in to entertain with an inspiring message – There’s no such thing as normal! is their motto. ‘ Sing like no one’s listening, dance like no one’s watching, give like no one’s giving and laugh like no one’s judging!’ We certainly did all of that! The group create amazing live music experiences with learning disabled people. In doing so, they help change the way the world looks at them – and others.

‘On Thursday, we were treated to a workshop called Electric Umbrella, it is about how people with disabilities come together and enjoy life.
There was lots of singing and dancing, it was a lot of fun. They made our teachers sing, dance, and have a fun time too.
They picked children to tell very funny jokes to make everyone laugh.
We were able to see how having a disability doesn’t mean you cannot have fun.’ By Jessica
‘My experience of Electric Umbrella was a beautiful moment. The funny thing was the lady asked who would like to sing but i thought she said who would like to pay the guitar so I put up my hand. Then I realised my mistake but my friends wanted me to sing like noone was listening. Then I sang like a proper singer. After I sang, I wanted to play the guitar an the small melody I played made everyone smile, I hope!
I hope Electric Umbrella will carry on making people happy and inspiring them and i hope i will see them once again as they have inspired me to sing my heart out and to never be shy and I have realised it does not matter who you are or what you look like. Anyone can achieve anything if they have the right approach and guidance to do what they want to do- practise makes progress! I hope Electric Umbrella will continue their legacy together making people happy and I wish them all the best!’ By Gabriel