SPEC 2019 Thursday Evening / Friday Morning

Thursday PM

There were opportunities for chatting in the sunshine, perhaps some games or that final fine tune to the talent show act.

Then came learning about and preparing for Mass.

Father Mark gave Mass in the chapel and was brilliant with the children, explaining the theology and history behind the prayers and rituals during the Mass, making complex ideas very simple and well, obvious. Even the adults came away thinking: ‘So that’s why we do that’ or ‘I never thought of it that way before’.

The Talent Show

The evening started off with a rendition of ‘My Lighthouse’ by the Year 5 resident Boy-Band with everyone off their feet joining in with their coordinated moves and grooves.  Then some breath taking gymnastics ; mesmerising magic from our own man of mystery; a brilliant solo dance display to ‘Count on Me’; powerful singing with vocal dexterity homage to Imagine Dragons; and finally we all went wild when an impromptu duet led us all through the routine for ‘Hold my Hand’.

After prayers it was bed.

In the words of Dinah Washington: ‘What a difference a day makes’. The children were begging to go to bed and a much quieter (and restful) night was had by all.

Friday Morning:

Earl Birds

We’re all packed up. There is time for a few activities, a final explore and play before lunch and home.

The children have had a fantastic time. The setting has been breathtaking. Good, wholesome meals and above all, fabulaous staff here at SPEC who have made our stay one that will bring lifelong happy memories.