Year 5 Spring week 9

Dear parents,

just a few notes to let you know what your child has been up to.

We hope the week started with a wonderful Mothers’ Day and the children spent time producing cards to mark the occasion ( we did this last week but it would have spoiled the surprise  to publish the photos before the cards were given).




We have been studying a new book for English and debating whether an origami Yoda finger puppet can have mystical powers.


And of course, we had to see if we could actually follow instructions and make our own …


As usual, the class were exemplary in their behaviour when visiting Mandeville School  for their Alban Arena singing practice.

Many of the pupils have been representing the school this week at football, and cross-country. We wish  every success to those swimming  in  the Gala on Saturday.


Today was history day, and it was lovely to see the pupils enter into the spirit of the proceedings with their costumes.


Have a great weekend,


Mr Creaton