Year 5 Week 14

Dear Parents,

This has been a very busy time in school, no doubt mirroring your own preparations for Christmas at home.


Christmas dinner at school was a wonderful occasion with the children all sporting their hand-crafted hats to add glitz and glamour.


I have not set any formal homework for the children as such, but would like them to read as much as possible ( school scheme books as well as any books of their own choosing) and keep their reading logs up to date.

Additionally, my maths group (no pun intended) have been given a list of questions which were similar to those in a recent assessment. I have indicated the questions which they found difficult. At your own discretion, you may choose to work with your child on some of these areas during the course of the holiday.

Finally, Mrs Finnie, Mrs Binks, Mrs Wastell and I would like to thank you all so much for all the very generous gifts and cards – they are very much appreciated.


Wishing you all a happy and holy Christmas,


Mr Creaton