Year 5 Freedom and Responsibility

The themes of our next topic are inter-relating and reconciliation.

The Topic is called ” Freedom and Responsibility”.

The children we look at situations where responsibility has been given and how we are required to use our judgement and exercise our freedom sensibly.

In scripture , we will look at the Ten Commandments and discuss how rules give us the opportunity for choice and freedom.

How do the Ten Commandments contrast with the Beatitudes?

Finally, we will see how, when rules are broken, the need for forgiveness and reconciliation are paramount.

The Big Question for this topic is: How do rules bring freedom?


God our Father, you have given us freedom in our lives.

With this freedom we can bring sorrow or joy to ourselves and to others.

Help us always to use our freedom in a responsible way.

We make this prayer through Christ our Lord.  Amen.


Imagine you were asked to write a Class Charter of about five rules or guidelines.

Write and decorate your Class Charter .

Think about ( for discussion), why you chose these rules and guides and what actions should be taken if someone breaks the rules.