Thank you to all the adults who came into school on Wednesday, shared some time with the children and joined in the performances. The children are confident playing the ukelele and love doing it, so any opportunity to share this with others is welcome.
Everyone has made good progress in swimming. Well done! The children are also superfast at getting changed so we get back to school in good time.
The writing year was concluded with fantastic narrative telling as the children wrote their versions of “The Selfish Giant” – “The Spiteful Ogre”. I was blown away by their expressive language, insightful ideas and capacity to use Oscar Wilde’s clean, descriptive language to create their own prose with the same qualities. Also, the independent spelling in the creative writing has improved a lot this term. It takes a lot of effort! But the improvement in the outcome is very real and one which we’ll look to maintain and build on even further in the New Year.
Thank you very much indeed for the very generous Christmas presents you gave me and Mrs Finnie. I have been extremely careful with the “highly breakable” bag. Mrs Finnie and I really appreciate your generosity and also the time taken to organise these things. The bag in itself is a great gift.
We particularly wanted to thank you all this way as the gifts are simply from “year 4” . They are really appreciated and we feel very fortunate.
After the Christmas assembly today and an informative Advent assembly by year 5, the children spent the morning choosing their own activities in the classroom. They also asked to spend some time in the library which we did and was a lovely thing to do on the last day. They all played a game, when they followed the rules, helped each other and entered the spirit of it really well. Everyone waited till each child had received their present and opened their own. There was a wonderful collection of gifts and everyone looked delighted with what they had received. As on Christmas Day, once the unwrapping is done it’s time for tidying up….!

Mrs Finnie and I wish you all a very happy, relaxing and safe holiday wherever you find yourselves this year. I hope you have an enjoyable time with those you love, and that the spirit and peace of Jesus at Christmas time bring you joy.
I look forward to seeing all of you again in January!