Reception – Hello from Mrs Palmer

I am very much looking forward to meeting all my new Reception class children and getting to know their families. I’m also very excited and have been busy at school making sure the classroom is ready.

Many thanks to those parents who activated their child’s Tapestry on-line learning journey and completed the ‘All about Me’ section . I enjoyed reading about all the fun activities the children enjoy at home and also finding out what is important to you and your child. If you haven’t already activated your account, it would be great if you could find the time to do this in the near future. I often send information and messages to parents through Tapestry. Please do not hesitate to email the School Office if you are encountering any difficulties. Emails are checked periodically and queries can be forwarded to me. I am also happy to re-send a Tapestry activation email if you wish.

School Office email:

I’ve created a short video for you all to help you get to know me a little better.

I hope you enjoy the video and the story of the The Colour Monster. I will be in touch again with more videos next week.

Wishing you all a fantastic weekend.

Nicola Palmer